Sunday, March 20, 2011

Late Bloomer

So. . .I feel as if I have nothing particularly clever or witty or important to say today. I wish I did but the fact is that it is getting harder and harder for me to come up with topics to write about. I guess that this is something that this activity is supposed to teach us about. That true writers must be able to make themselves write even when they don't want to or even when the "syrup isn't flowing." I tried that when I was in high school and I feel as if I was more successful at it at that time, maybe it was just because I had more confidence back then.

I used to dream that one day I would write--I always loved reading so much and dreamed of writing my own book--but I have never really had a good idea for a story that hasn't been done. I don't even have a creative twist for one that has been done. Maybe it's just writer's block. Diana Wynne Jones didn't write her first book until she was much older than I. Perhaps I'm a late bloomer?

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