Monday, March 14, 2011

Let Them Eat Pie!

Happy Pi Day Everyone! I have decided to celebrate by eating pie :) I always hated math but this, at least, is one good thing that it has given us, along with bridges and fine architecture. As I sit here typing, smelling the wonderful aroma of my "Vanilla Swirl" candle and dreaming of the pie that I will make as soon as I finish my homework, I am reminded that in one month the semester will be over and bring me more time to catch up on the recreation that I have seen so little of this semester as well as cook and clean and do all the things my husband misses me doing since the semester got so crazy.

Of course, this also warns that things have to get worse before they can get better and I know that there are many more papers to write and projects to finish before the end of April and I need to stop dreaming about pie and get back to work. *sigh* Farewell pie! Until we meet again! (In one month!)


Adelheid said...

You know what? I totally didn't realize that today is Pi day, and earlier I had this sudden urge to eat banana cream pie! Coincidence? I think not!

You're going to do fabulous with all the stuff in this coming month to do. You're sharp!

Debbie said...

I am glad you celebrated with pie. I remembered last night about 9:00--and we all agreed that we should get some pie, but no one wanted to drag themselves out of the house to get it. Too bad. It sounds like it made a nice little break in the rush of the semester. . . and we need all of those we can get, right?